• Presenting

    Piccolo K + L Behältertechnik

Project summary

Fast and Intuitive programming for Robot welding of Steel Transport racks

Piccolo is a company producing transport racks for the logistics sector. Here, a main production task is arc welding to join single part and build the complete product assembly. The production is characterized by high variants and small batch sizes of around 100 products. Therefore, state-of-the-art robot systems with their high programming efforts cannot be applied cost-effectively. Thus, in this project, an innovative programming software of Fraunhofer IPA is used to generate robot welding programs. This software allows fast and intuitive program generation without special programming skills so that it can be even used by a welder in the shop-floor. The remaining efforts and programming times are evaluated for a typical test workpiece of Piccolo and are the basis for detailed business case evaluation within the project.


With more than 30 years of manufacturing experience in many industries, we are a competent partner for your logistics requirements. Qualified and committed employees provide expert advice on the selection of suitable containers for your products and ensure a high quality standard and production schedule.

Contribution from RTOs

Fraunhofer IPA

  • Validation of innovative robot programming software for robotic welding of products of Piccolo
  • Showcasing of robot programming by simulation and real welding process execution on test workpieces



  • Analysis of production requirements
  • Business case evaluation

Impact (expected)

This project will enable Piccolo to introduce robots in their welding production. The programming solution that is used and developed in this project enables cost-effective robotic welding in small lot size production. The software will be validated for a typical welding workpiece in the transport rack production of Piccolo using a standard industrial welding robot. The results can be transferred to other products and branches where robotic welding systems should be applied for small lot size production.
