• Presenting


Project summary

Balancing of Motor Axes

During the high-end electrical motor production the balancing of the motor axis is a crucial step for the quality of the end-product. Therefore a 100% testing and - if necessary - balancing of all motor axis is performed during production. The current manual workplace consists of a tedious handling of the parts into the (sensitive) test equipment, followed by a balancing process by a skilled worker for only a small share of axis. The goal of the project is an optimization of the process by parallelisation of the testing and balancing including robot technologies.


Life is movement - something we have been infusing in the products of our customers for more than 65 years. Based on our slogan "moving ideas", we at HANNING ELEKTRO-WERKE develop drive concepts and manufacture customized solutions that will put you ahead of the competition. As one of the leading manufactorers of electric and electronic drive systems and components in the world, that is our promise to you.


We as a system provider strive to think outside of the box and develop individualized industry-focused solutions.

Contribution from RTOs

Fraunhofer IPA

  • Process Analysis
  • Specification of the requirements and assessment criteria
  • Conceptualisation of functional and technical blocks



  • Economical assessment for and of process concepts
  • Investment and operational cost calculation

Impact (expected)

After an analysis of the current production process functionalities and system components can be identified to set up a detailed concept for a (semi-)automated system for the balancing of motor axis, with focus on the feasibility of the automated processes, potential distribution of manual and automated process parts, and cost-benefit calculations.

Thereof a cycle time reduction by > 50% of the current process time can be achieved with an invest of < 200.000€ and a process flow that relieves the worker from the current heavy handling operations in the process.


